My research is multi-disciplinary, collaborative, and societally-relevant. I seek to understand connections between the deformation of the Earth and natural resources (e.g., precious metals, water, biodiversity, fossil fuels) and geologic hazards (earthquakes, landslides, floods).
My expertise is in structural geology and tectonics, and I collaborate with researchers across disciplines. I employ a variety of techniques including:
Compilation of geological, geophysical, and geochemical datasets into a 3D-structural framework
Palinspastic reconstructions at the regional to plate-scale
Kinematic and thermo-kinematic numerical modeling
Field- and microstructural studies of brittle-ductile fault rocks
Geo- and thermo-chronology
High-resolution, basin-scale 3D structural modeling using ca. 20,000 subsurface datapoints and surface geologic constraints: project link
GPLATES used to model intraplate deformation
Fault mechanics
Field photos of co-seismic cataclasites formed along a low-angle normal fault.
3D structural modeling from diverse datasets
Thermo-kinematic modeling
thermo-kinematic modeling cooling histories
Details digital geologic mapping from high-resolution LIDAR : project link
Drainage fragmentation and endemic species evolution
Observational & analytical methods:
field studies (geological mapping; structural analysis; oriented sample collection)
geochronology (detrital k-feldspar, dating lava flows)
digital geologic mapping and database compilations (unit ages and thicknesses, gravity-based basin models, seismic reflection/refraction lines, EQ focal mech & hypocenter clustering; heat flow)
GPLATES (plate reconstruction software)
Move (2D & 3D structural, kinematic and dynamic modeling software)
FETKin & FETKinPrep (2D thermo-kinematic modeling code)
Crustal-scale 3D structural modeling of fault systems using multidisciplinary datasets (e.g., surface mapping, seismic lines, earthquake hypocenters, focal mechanisms, gravity inversions)
Please contact me if you’re interested in a collaboration. You can e-mail me or use the form below